Indiana OES Petition

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Anyone wishing to join Eastern Star should talk to a current member to learn about the Order and verify their eligibility to join. The following petition is the first step in becoming a member of Eastern Star. It can be printed by members to give to prospective candidates or by candidates seeking admission into the Order. It can be filled out online and printed by the candidate if desired, however it must be signed and submitted by at least to members of the Chapter.

The petition must be filled out and signed by the petitioner as well as two members of the Chapter being petitioned. The petition is then presented at a meeting of the Chapter. Members of the Chapter will then interview the petitioner and report their interview at the next meeting. The Chapter will then vote on the petition and notify the petitioner of the results. If accepted, the candidate will be initiated into the Order.

The initiation fee must accompany the petition. After the member is initiated, she or he will be responsible for paying dues to the receiving Chapter.

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