Grand Officers
Indiana Grand Chapter
Grand Officers
"Dreams of Fun in the Sun" Grand Family
2024 - 2025
Watchwords: Love, Faith, Hope, Kindness
Emblem: Open Bible for Guidance, Dove for Love and Peace, Cross for Hope, Faith and Love
Karen Hazelman | Worthy Grand Matron | |
Denver Gray | Worthy Grand Patron | |
Carol Davis | Associate Grand Matron | |
Tom Ring | Associate Grand Patron | |
Anna Burton | Grand Secretary | |
Greg Chiles | Grand Treasurer | |
Barb Pefley | Grand Conductress | |
Tamara Shake | Associate Grand Conductress | |
Darlene Small | Grand Organist | |
Keith Zook | Grand Chaplain | |
Carl Hinshaw | Grand Marshal | |
Alicia Corn | Grand Adah | |
Elaine Sample | Grand Ruth | |
Dori Cooper | Grand Esther | |
Amy Ogrentz | Grand Martha | |
Susie Alpha | Grand Electa | |
Lynn Shoulders | Grand Warder | |
Bobby Slaughter | Grand Sentinel |
Emeritus Officers
Jonny Beeler | Grand Secretary Emeritus |
General Grand Chapter Officers from Indiana
Susie Roach, PGM | Right Worthy Associate Grand Conductress |
Grand Trustees
Darrell Arthur, PGP | Grand Trustee 2019 - 2025 | |
Sonda Shapson, PGM | Grand Trustee 2021 - 2026 | |
Larry Frost, PGP | Grand Trustee 2022 - 2027 | |
Patricia Endsley, PGM | Grand Trustee 2023 - 2028 | |
Cynthia Skura, PGM | Grand Trustee 2024 - 2029 |